Cameron's Random Thoughts
I started this blog to be about photography, but felt like there were other things that I wanted to post, so I have changed this and will post what ever comes to mind.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
A Yamaha for me
Well I can’t seem to find time to commit to a blog with any regularity anymore; I can’t seem to find time for just about anything these days. In fact I don’t really have time to write this today and if you knew how long it actually took me to write it you would probably laugh, I’m sure that anyone that reads this could read it all the way through in a matter of minutes, this has taken three days of writing a little here and a little there. Anyway on with the post.
I often wonder how many people actually read this thing, I have the little thing that tells how many visitors come here and where they are from, but how many people really come to this site and find something that they feel is worth spending a few minutes of their precious time reading, (please don’t think I was being sarcastic about your time being precious, I fully understand that every minute is valuable). It is my hope to put things on my blog that are enjoyable to read, maybe a little informative, maybe thought provoking, but hopefully not something that you come away from feeling as though it was a total waste of time.
So with all that being said, I will shift gears here and talk about my latest so called passion. I recently purchased a 2002 Yamaha YZF600R motorcycle, not the fastest of the sport bikes but also not the most uncomfortable. It has a little more upright seating position than most sport bikes, so it’s kind of like a sport touring bike, sort of, but not really. So the last time I rode a motorcycle was back about 20 years ago, back in 1992 or maybe 93, when a friend of mine let me ride his bike (250 cc of some sort), and even then I was in no way a proficient rider. So some people may ask why on earth I would buy a powerful sport bike like this with my current level of riding experience, well there have been a couple times that I have asked myself the same question. I am kind of a big guy, 6’4” and about 250 lbs, and I knew that when I did get a bike that I would ride it a lot, and I knew that getting a bike with a smaller engine to “learn on” would just mean that I would need a bigger bike soon. I have read several places that encourage new or inexperienced riders to start out with a smaller bike and I would also encourage others to start out with a smaller less powerful bike and eventually move up to a larger bike (kind of like a do as I suggest not as I do sort of thing). Obviously this was not something I felt was for me, there were a couple of factors that dictated my decision, the question of cost ended up being one of the main factors. I was able to convince my wife that buying a bike was a good idea but I figured I would have a hard time convincing her that I needed to upgrade soon, so I kind of had to get what I wanted with one shot and I accepted the possibility that I would have to start out on a bike that was more powerful than I really should be riding. Oh but I will be careful and respect the power HA HA HA.
So, in February of 2012 I found my bike and was able to bring home the newest edition to the random things that I decide I want to do. When I picked up the bike it would not even start, it had been sitting in a barn for over a year, maybe closer to two years, so I took the chance that I could get it running again without much expense. (this is also something that I would recommend against doing, I tend to believe that I can figure how to repair most things, most of the time I am correct in this thinking but there have been times when it has gotten me in trouble)
So after searching through the YZF600R Forums and Youtube for tips to get the bike running again, I started my journey into some of the inner workings of my bike. The first thing that I figured I would need to do would be to clean the carburetors out, the bike still had the same gas in it that it was parked with over a year ago, not a good thing for a carbureted engine, no matter what it is. I won’t go into all that was involved in getting the carbs clean but I will say that I spent about four days taking apart and putting together all the parts in and associated with the fuel and air delivery systems and believe me when I say that gasoline can turn into jello. Then I changed to spark plugs, motor oil and oil filter and put everything back together, also put in a new battery. Then came the moment of truth, I put in the key turned the ignition on pushed the start button and it would not start, quick review of all that I had done reminded me that I had not attached two of the four spark plug wires, made that correction and pushed the start button…. It’s alive!!!
I wont bore you with all the other details involved with getting the bike street legal, but I was able to start riding the bike in late February thanks to the mild winter we had this year. I started out just riding around my neighborhood, doing lots of starts and stops, my biggest fear is being like one of the people that you see on youtube that pop the clutch and as the bike pulls they hang on for dear life and by holding on they give the bike more throttle and they zoom off until the bike flips out from under them or they hit something. I will admit there have been a couple times that the bike almost got away from me, but so far so good with keeping it rubber side down.
Anyway here are some photos
Thursday, September 9, 2010
How many flags?
How is it that every time anyone in the United States says or does something that offends someone, that group of people feel the need to burn our flag? With all the talk, and so far it has only been talk, of burning korans by a small church in Florida, what makes anyone think that they will win over the American people to their cause by burning our flags and showing images of people burning our flags. I have not been able to see a news paper or see a news cast in the past week that didn’t have a United States flag burning. The part I really can’t understand is that everyone in our government has come out against this pastor and his publicity stunt and it's still not enough, but if it was a Christian Bible that someone was burning it would probably be considered art and receive a grant from the National council for the Arts or something, of course someone would want to put out the fire with urine in that case just to complete the sculpture.
Now there are muslim activists calling for a worldwide burning of US flags all over the world on September 11, I wonder what would happen if Americans got offended at the world burning their flag, would the world stop and say ‘oh, we didn’t mean to offend’, no, they would try to kill us for being offended and showing how weak we are. Will leaders of these countries condemn those who seek to burn what we hold dear? One thing we wont have to worry about is having our leaders saying that we are offended, the leaders of this country will probably apologize for not having a flag that was more environmentally friendly to burn, or start a fund to provide flags to people who are too poor to be able to afford to buy their own flags to burn, and drop flyers in native languages to give safety tips for flag burning. In my mind if it is considered free speech to desecrate what one person holds dear, then the same rules apply for everyone else.
I can’t even think of how many times I have seen someone displaying a crucifix or bible or US flag in a manner that was completely revolting and completely offensive, but no one is afraid of a bunch of Christians, because by and large we are a peaceful and tolerant people, and unbelievers are not afraid of us retaliating. Sure we have our extremists that some will point to, and tell of the many that have been killed in the name of God, but no one is really worried about wide spread Christian violence no matter how offended we are.
Now there are muslim activists calling for a worldwide burning of US flags all over the world on September 11, I wonder what would happen if Americans got offended at the world burning their flag, would the world stop and say ‘oh, we didn’t mean to offend’, no, they would try to kill us for being offended and showing how weak we are. Will leaders of these countries condemn those who seek to burn what we hold dear? One thing we wont have to worry about is having our leaders saying that we are offended, the leaders of this country will probably apologize for not having a flag that was more environmentally friendly to burn, or start a fund to provide flags to people who are too poor to be able to afford to buy their own flags to burn, and drop flyers in native languages to give safety tips for flag burning. In my mind if it is considered free speech to desecrate what one person holds dear, then the same rules apply for everyone else.
I can’t even think of how many times I have seen someone displaying a crucifix or bible or US flag in a manner that was completely revolting and completely offensive, but no one is afraid of a bunch of Christians, because by and large we are a peaceful and tolerant people, and unbelievers are not afraid of us retaliating. Sure we have our extremists that some will point to, and tell of the many that have been killed in the name of God, but no one is really worried about wide spread Christian violence no matter how offended we are.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
8/28 a day with new meaning for me.
Last Saturday morning we got up early and made our way to the 8/28 Restoring Honor rally on the national mall in Washington DC. We went to the rally expecting a move of God and expecting a miracle. When we arrived at our subway stop and made our way to the rally we were amazed at the number of people, and were a little surprised at the small number of protestor there were. As we made our way toward the Washington memorial the crowds seemed energized, and then we reached a point where we could see the Lincoln memorial and the size of the crowd that was there, it was amazing. The only way that CBS could report that 87,000 people were there is if they were counting the overflow that was sitting around the Washington monument and thought the other people were with a different group, or maybe there is another reason they would report something so blatantly absurd. We made our way into the crowd and moved along until we found a place where we could see a screen and hear the sound clearly, we stayed there for 10-15 minutes and then moved a to the next screen and repeated this a couple times until we were close enough to see the speakers on the stage (steps really). All the moving around we did required us to move amongst a lot of people and we covered a lot of ground and not once did I hear a person complain about anything, or say anything that was other than polite and helpful. There were plenty of opportunities to complain if people wanted to, it was hot with not much of a breeze, there were lines at the port-o-johns, the crowd was so thick at times you were packed in tight to get through some areas, lots of people could not see the stage or a video screen, but none of that seemed to matter. These people came to see a move of God, they came looking to witness Faith Hope and Charity, and I will say that I witnessed an overflowing of all three. The overwhelming message for each individual was that God is the only answer to all of your individual problems and to all of the problems that we face as a nation, I was reminded of the scripture “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land”. Over and over again the speakers cried out to Jesus and called on His name, they didn’t use a generic “god” to be politically correct, and every time they called on Jesus the crowd responded. This was another opportunity to hear someone grumble about being at a big “church service”, but if there were any around who did not approve of the message they kept it to themselves.
It was very moving to see the video clips of Dr. Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream speech’, and even more so to see the overwhelming reaction of the crowd when his niece, Alveda King, spoke. The most amazing part of Alveda King speaking is that she spoke with treats against her and her family from groups that did not want her to be there. Glenn Beck said on his radio show that she was visibly shaken, and that he told her he could get her a bullet proof vest if she wanted, but her response was, “No, I trust in the Lord”. What kind of courage does it take to go on a stage in front of more than 500,000 people when your life has been threatened and all the so called civil rights leaders have said that they expect people to boo her. To me that is amazing.
This day was also a day to honor the heroes that are more commonly known as members of the United States military, it was a time to thank the men and women that have served and are now serving. There was no better place to honor our military, we were surrounded by memorials to almost every war this nation has been involved in, and there were several times that the Vietnam war was mentioned in particular and the fact that those men were not welcomed home after the war, but I believe that there was healing for those veterans who were in attendance, I believe that they were ministered to by the moving of the Holy Spirit. One of the stated purpose of this event was to raise money for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, a foundation that takes care of the families of special forces personnel that make the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms, they received over 5 million dollars.
After the event was over we made our way to the Lincoln memorial, and then walked over to the White House. We ate lunch at the White House, it may have been out on the sidewalk but we still were at the White House. After lunch we started making our way back to the subway station and this is where we encountered the Al Sharpton’s protest march. This march could not have been more different from the Restoring Honor rally, my first impression was that the march was like a union strike line, with angry people yelling and chanting. To see this march was heart breaking, all of these people that claimed to be reclaiming Dr. Kings dream had just missed it, and they had just missed being part of it, all because someone told them that we were a bunch of racist. To me this was the perfect opportunity for the civil rights leaders to encourage people of all races and religions and nationalities to go be a part of the rally and make Glenn Beck prove what he had been saying. If they really wanted to prove that Glenn Beck and everyone at the rally were racist then what better way than to come and join, there was more than enough security if they feared for their safety. Instead, the ones who wanted to reclaim the dream missed seeing hundreds of thousands of people honor Dr. King and his niece, as well as others that marched with Dr. King that spoke at the rally. Glenn Beck told of a story on his radio show of a woman and her daughter that attended the rally and on the flight home sat next to a man wearing an Obama t-shirt, in talking with the man they found out that he had gone the Washington to attend Al Sharpton’s protest, but he said that he wanted to see what all the fuss was about and know what he would be protesting so he went to the Restoring Honor rally …. He never made it to the protest, that is the greatest endorsement I can think of, I only wish more could have gone to see what they were going to protest, I think that would have been a dream fulfilled.
It was very moving to see the video clips of Dr. Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream speech’, and even more so to see the overwhelming reaction of the crowd when his niece, Alveda King, spoke. The most amazing part of Alveda King speaking is that she spoke with treats against her and her family from groups that did not want her to be there. Glenn Beck said on his radio show that she was visibly shaken, and that he told her he could get her a bullet proof vest if she wanted, but her response was, “No, I trust in the Lord”. What kind of courage does it take to go on a stage in front of more than 500,000 people when your life has been threatened and all the so called civil rights leaders have said that they expect people to boo her. To me that is amazing.
This day was also a day to honor the heroes that are more commonly known as members of the United States military, it was a time to thank the men and women that have served and are now serving. There was no better place to honor our military, we were surrounded by memorials to almost every war this nation has been involved in, and there were several times that the Vietnam war was mentioned in particular and the fact that those men were not welcomed home after the war, but I believe that there was healing for those veterans who were in attendance, I believe that they were ministered to by the moving of the Holy Spirit. One of the stated purpose of this event was to raise money for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, a foundation that takes care of the families of special forces personnel that make the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms, they received over 5 million dollars.
After the event was over we made our way to the Lincoln memorial, and then walked over to the White House. We ate lunch at the White House, it may have been out on the sidewalk but we still were at the White House. After lunch we started making our way back to the subway station and this is where we encountered the Al Sharpton’s protest march. This march could not have been more different from the Restoring Honor rally, my first impression was that the march was like a union strike line, with angry people yelling and chanting. To see this march was heart breaking, all of these people that claimed to be reclaiming Dr. Kings dream had just missed it, and they had just missed being part of it, all because someone told them that we were a bunch of racist. To me this was the perfect opportunity for the civil rights leaders to encourage people of all races and religions and nationalities to go be a part of the rally and make Glenn Beck prove what he had been saying. If they really wanted to prove that Glenn Beck and everyone at the rally were racist then what better way than to come and join, there was more than enough security if they feared for their safety. Instead, the ones who wanted to reclaim the dream missed seeing hundreds of thousands of people honor Dr. King and his niece, as well as others that marched with Dr. King that spoke at the rally. Glenn Beck told of a story on his radio show of a woman and her daughter that attended the rally and on the flight home sat next to a man wearing an Obama t-shirt, in talking with the man they found out that he had gone the Washington to attend Al Sharpton’s protest, but he said that he wanted to see what all the fuss was about and know what he would be protesting so he went to the Restoring Honor rally …. He never made it to the protest, that is the greatest endorsement I can think of, I only wish more could have gone to see what they were going to protest, I think that would have been a dream fulfilled.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Going Digital.....again
My digital is back from the repair shop....oh joy. Just in time for this weekend, Charlie tests for his black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I also have some film developed and scanned in and loaded to flickr, so I will get some of those on here soon.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Carpet Cleaning
Hey if you need your carpets cleaned and your near WIlson Nc, check these guys out.
Wilson Carpet Cleaning
Monday, September 7, 2009
2009 College Football Season
As some of you know I have season tickets to University of North Carolina football, and its not that UNC is my favorite team but rather a way for me and a few friends to go and take in the joy that is college football. We have eight (8) seats together and always have a little different mix of people that attend with us, but it’s always a good time. Some of my most popular photos on Flickr have come from these games, I’m sure that you can tell why by the photo below. As a life long fan of college football it doesn’t really matter who is playing as long as it’s a good competitive game or if The University of Miami is playing I like to see who ever they are playing get blown out (lately the that doesn’t happen as much as it use to, but each year brings renewed hope of beat downs a plenty)
One of the benefits of going to the UNC games is that I get to see The-U there every other year (although they have not been pleasant the last few times), and the years that Miami doesn’t come to UNC they go to Duke, and those tickets are always easy to come by. As I write this I am eagerly awaiting the start of the Miami vs. Florida State game, don’t really have a feel for the team this year but as always the expectations are high. So here’s to a new season.
Removed photos, too many pervs
One of the benefits of going to the UNC games is that I get to see The-U there every other year (although they have not been pleasant the last few times), and the years that Miami doesn’t come to UNC they go to Duke, and those tickets are always easy to come by. As I write this I am eagerly awaiting the start of the Miami vs. Florida State game, don’t really have a feel for the team this year but as always the expectations are high. So here’s to a new season.
Removed photos, too many pervs
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Fun with cameras
Just a little fun to get back in the swing of my blog again, for this shot I chose my trusty Polaroid and simply pushed the button. This was my roommate when I was in the Navy, and this is not at all unusual for him. I have many photos of many people (including myself) doing completely ridiculous things. I think photos like this are the ones that bring back the fondest memories, rarely does a formal portrait inspire the kind of reaction that a photo like this will, of course if you put too many photos like this on your wall people will begin to wonder about you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
yep I'm a slacker, since my last post I have been out photographing all kinds of stuff, but I have been too much of a slacker to share with anyone reading this, does anyone keep up with a blog that has no activity for almost a year?
Anyway, I think I am going to change my format and hope to update this with a little more regularity. I am also going to change my cell phone texting over to this blog, just because I like it.
For anyone who wants to see what I have photographed for the last few months you can always check my Flickr "sets" page HERE
Anyway, I think I am going to change my format and hope to update this with a little more regularity. I am also going to change my cell phone texting over to this blog, just because I like it.
For anyone who wants to see what I have photographed for the last few months you can always check my Flickr "sets" page HERE
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
November Project FALL and Wilson County
For the month of November the Wilson camera club project is fall or autumn (what ever you call it, the season after summer) and we have an ongoing project for Wilson County, these are images that the county could use on its website. I have been kind of slack in keeping up with this blog and I would like to say that I will do better, but the way things have been lately I’m not too optimistic. Anyway, back to the topic at hand, the first image I have for is a tree with its leaves changing color, but it’s a little different in that the tree is clear without much blur but the foreground and background both have motion blur. This was shot from the back seat of a car driving at about 30-40 mph and I shot it the same way I would shoot an object that was moving past me, I find my subject and begin taking pictures as it moves through my field of view, following the subject until it is out of range, taking pictures the whole time, I took 3 pictures of this tree but the others were out of focus or just too blurred. The main reason for taking several pictures is to ensure that you continue to track the subject with the camera, if you take only one shot you tend to not follow in the same way and the shot may not come out right, and since I shoot all digital I have no problem taking a bunch of photographs to get one I like. Of course anyone who knows me knows I have no problem taking lots of pictures for just about anything. This image would have fit into the last post I made as well, with the red and motion project. For anyone who cares here is the camera info,
Exposure: 0.01 sec (1/100)
Aperture: f/4.5
Focal Length: 70 mm
ISO Speed: 400

The next image is one that I made out at Lake Wilson the other night, it was dark and I didn’t have a tripod with me so I did the best I could and pressed the side of the camera and lens against a tree in hopes of reducing the camera shake during the longer exposure, I took 2 or three of these shots and this one came out the best, if you look close you will see some grain from the higher ISO 800 and there is a little blurring in the trees, I think that next time I should bring my tripod. It was a nice clear night and almost no wind so it made for a very nice reflection on the lake and I guess I got the image that I wanted, but I do wish I had taken a landscape image instead of a portrait image (I went portrait because I didn’t think the lens would go wide enough to get both the moon and its reflection), as you can tell I cropped the image to almost square, but it still doesn’t seem quite right. I think on the next clear calm night I might make my way out to the lake and try again.
Exposure: 0.3 sec (3/10)
Aperture: f/3.5
Focal Length: 24 mm
ISO Speed: 800
Exposure: 0.01 sec (1/100)
Aperture: f/4.5
Focal Length: 70 mm
ISO Speed: 400

The next image is one that I made out at Lake Wilson the other night, it was dark and I didn’t have a tripod with me so I did the best I could and pressed the side of the camera and lens against a tree in hopes of reducing the camera shake during the longer exposure, I took 2 or three of these shots and this one came out the best, if you look close you will see some grain from the higher ISO 800 and there is a little blurring in the trees, I think that next time I should bring my tripod. It was a nice clear night and almost no wind so it made for a very nice reflection on the lake and I guess I got the image that I wanted, but I do wish I had taken a landscape image instead of a portrait image (I went portrait because I didn’t think the lens would go wide enough to get both the moon and its reflection), as you can tell I cropped the image to almost square, but it still doesn’t seem quite right. I think on the next clear calm night I might make my way out to the lake and try again.
Exposure: 0.3 sec (3/10)
Aperture: f/3.5
Focal Length: 24 mm
ISO Speed: 800

Friday, September 5, 2008
Red and Motion
For the month of September the Wilson Camera Club has an assignment of making photos with motion and/or red how ever we interpret them. So for the past few weeks I have made a point of photographing some simple red things and things in motion, and mixing the two when possible, I haven’t really gotten too creative with the interpretations mainly just straight forward definition type of photos, anyway there is still a few weeks until our September meeting so maybe I will come up with something better. Here is the slideshow



Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Time at the lake
On Monday I took the boys out to ride bikes at the park at Lake Wilson, of course I had my camera with me and as the sun started to set and we were getting ready to leave the boys went down by the water. The only problem was I didn’t bring any kind of tripod so I found a park bench and set up the camera as best I could, not quite the exposure I wanted and not quite the framing I wanted, but the boys were not going to stand still for me to keep trying. I should have metered for the sky to be more red like I wanted and then put the camera in manual but I didn’t. This is one those times when just getting the shot at all was good enough for me.
Here is a slide show of all the photos from this trip.
Here is a slide show of all the photos from this trip.

Saturday, July 5, 2008
July 4th photo fun
For the 4th of July I, did what has become somewhat of a tradition, and took photos of the kids playing with sparklers, but not just any photos, these are long exposure and a flash at the end. Here is how I do it, there may be other ways but this seems to work best for me.
First I will explain how to do this using a SLR style camera, then I will expalin how to do something similar with a point and shoot.
For my DSLR camera first I go to my menu and find my custom functions settings (some point and shoot cameras have this as well, check your manual) and find "Shutter curtain sync" and set it to "2nd-curtain". As your camera takes the photo the first curtain opens to expose the image and the second curtain follows to close off the light when the exposure is complete, 2nd shutter sync means that the flash will fire just before the 2nd shutter closes (instead of when the first shutter opens, as is normal). This allows for movement thoughout the exposure and the flash at the end stops the motion. Next I set my camera to "Tv" or time priority mode (Tv on Canon) and I set my exposure time from 1/2 second to 2 seconds and let my camera do the rest. I have the kids swing the sparklers aroung and I take there pictures.
Now if you have a point and shoot camera that does not allow for a 2nd shutter sync then the next best way I have found is to set your camera to a long exposure, my wife has a Kodak easy share point and shoot and on it I go to the menu and use the "LT" setting (check your manual for your camera) and set it to 0.7 seconds, this will fire the flash first and then expose for the set time to allow for movement, the only problem with doing it this way is the person tends to not be as sharp because the movement comes after the flash.
Hope this helps, if you have any questions leave them in the comments or email me at
This is Charlie doing his Wolverine move, he has three sparklers, and just watched the first two X-Men movies this week.
If you want to see all of the 4th of July photos look HERE

Exposure: 0.4 sec (2/5)
Aperture: f/3.5
Focal Length: 18 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Exposure Bias: 0/2 EV
Flash: Flash fired
First I will explain how to do this using a SLR style camera, then I will expalin how to do something similar with a point and shoot.
For my DSLR camera first I go to my menu and find my custom functions settings (some point and shoot cameras have this as well, check your manual) and find "Shutter curtain sync" and set it to "2nd-curtain". As your camera takes the photo the first curtain opens to expose the image and the second curtain follows to close off the light when the exposure is complete, 2nd shutter sync means that the flash will fire just before the 2nd shutter closes (instead of when the first shutter opens, as is normal). This allows for movement thoughout the exposure and the flash at the end stops the motion. Next I set my camera to "Tv" or time priority mode (Tv on Canon) and I set my exposure time from 1/2 second to 2 seconds and let my camera do the rest. I have the kids swing the sparklers aroung and I take there pictures.
Now if you have a point and shoot camera that does not allow for a 2nd shutter sync then the next best way I have found is to set your camera to a long exposure, my wife has a Kodak easy share point and shoot and on it I go to the menu and use the "LT" setting (check your manual for your camera) and set it to 0.7 seconds, this will fire the flash first and then expose for the set time to allow for movement, the only problem with doing it this way is the person tends to not be as sharp because the movement comes after the flash.
Hope this helps, if you have any questions leave them in the comments or email me at
This is Charlie doing his Wolverine move, he has three sparklers, and just watched the first two X-Men movies this week.
If you want to see all of the 4th of July photos look HERE

Exposure: 0.4 sec (2/5)
Aperture: f/3.5
Focal Length: 18 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Exposure Bias: 0/2 EV
Flash: Flash fired
Thursday, July 3, 2008
First post- Hi
First post for my blog that is focused on my photography, it will be used to show some of my photos that I like (and I hope you like too). I this blog will focus on the creative process, if any, involed with the photo, and try to explain how the photo was taken and intent of the photo.
Lets begin shall we,
here is a photo I took of my daughter Lindsey at her swim meet in Morehead City, NC on June 22, 2008. I used my Canon Digital Rebel XT, with a Sigma 70-300mm zoom lens.
Exposure: 0.001 sec (1/800)
Aperture: f/10
Focal Length: 300 mm
ISO Speed: 400

With this photo there was some trial and error with catching different parts of the swimming stroke to see what looked best, this photo gave the best motion while still being able to identify the swimmer. I have been trying my hand at sports action shots for some time, but never in any serious way. I have made a goal of getting action shots that kids and parents would like for the members of Lindsey's swim team, and my best chance to do this is during the summer when the team swims outside, so I have a few months left.
Lets begin shall we,
here is a photo I took of my daughter Lindsey at her swim meet in Morehead City, NC on June 22, 2008. I used my Canon Digital Rebel XT, with a Sigma 70-300mm zoom lens.
Exposure: 0.001 sec (1/800)
Aperture: f/10
Focal Length: 300 mm
ISO Speed: 400

With this photo there was some trial and error with catching different parts of the swimming stroke to see what looked best, this photo gave the best motion while still being able to identify the swimmer. I have been trying my hand at sports action shots for some time, but never in any serious way. I have made a goal of getting action shots that kids and parents would like for the members of Lindsey's swim team, and my best chance to do this is during the summer when the team swims outside, so I have a few months left.
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